
The therapeutic process is complex, and researchers and clinicians alike search for organizing principles or underlying structures that will reduce this complexity and thereby augment the efficacy of their respective endeavors. As other papers in this issue indicate, one such organizing principle is the concept of a recurring relationship theme that can be identified in the patient's descriptions of current and past relationships, as well as observed in the patient's interaction with the therapist. This concept has its origins in Freud's discovery of the transference phenomenon (1912), wherein the patient reenacts early relationships with significant others in the relationship with the analyst, and in Sullivan's interpersonal theory of psychiatry, with its central tenet that "personality is the relatively enduring pattern of recurrent interpersonal situations which characterize a human life" (1953, pp. 110-11). In the psychoanalytic and interpersonal therapies, these recurrent interpersonal themes, associated with the patient's difficulty in living and characterized as self-defeating and self-perpetuating, can potentially serve three main purposes: diagnosing and describing patients' difficulties, focusing therapeutic interventions, and measuring change on an individual basis. However, until recently, research on transference and rigidity of interpersonal style has been hampered by the lack of objective and clinically relevant measures for quantifying this clinical phenomenon (Kiesler 1986; Luborsky and Spence 1978). Luborsky (1977) developed the first reliable method for operationalizing the transference concept. Since then, as the companion papers in this issue point out, several different methods have been developed (e.g., Gill and Hoffman 1982; Horowitz 1979; Schacht et al. 1984). Although these methods differ in the postulated structural composition or components of the transference theme or recurrent relationship theme, they operate from similar methods of assessment. This paper presents the results of an initial investigation into convergent validity (Cronbach and Meehl 1955) of two of the major relationship theme methods--the Core Conflictual Relationship Theme (CCRT) of Luborsky and colleagues (Luborsky 1977), and the Cyclical Maladaptive Pattern (CMP: formerly called the "dynamic focus") of the Vanderbilt group (Schacht et al. 1984; Schacht and Henry, in press). In our investigation, developers of the approaches independently applied their methods to the same interview with a depressed patient. It was hypothesized that aside from differences due to the structural composition, the two methods would identify a similar relationship theme.

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