
In this paper we develop the convergence theory of a general class of projection and contraction algorithms (PC method), where an extended stepsize rule is used, for solving variational inequality (VI) problems. It is shown that, by defining a scaled projection residue, the PC method forces the sequence of the residues to zero. It is also shown that, by defining a projected function, the PC method forces the sequence of projected functions to zero. A consequence of this result is that if the PC method converges to a nondegenerate solution of the VI problem, then after a finite number of iterations, the optimal face is identified. Finally, we study local convergence behavior of the extragradient algorithm for solving the KKT system of the inequality constrained VI problem. \keywords{Variational inequality, Projection and contraction method, Predictor-corrector stepsize, Convergence property.} \amsclass{90C30, 90C33, 65K05.}

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