
The chapter presents the study of national legal values of SCO countries compared to the legal values of the Western world, in the context of the globalization process. The authors describe the evolution of state and legal institutions in SCO countries, their traditions and values associated with national identity. To achieve the research objective, we examine the specific features of national legal systems in SCO countries employing the comparative analysis method. The focus of the research is on the peculiarities of political and legal circumstances of national legal values and their origin. The analysis reveals significant differences between the legal values and attitudes in SCO countries and in Western Europe. The results provide a thorough understanding of existing legal phenomena and processes in the Asian region, and how these differ from those that exist in Western legal culture. The most important legal values are human rights and advocacy. Comparing the background and genesis of those rights the authors demonstrate that Western and Asian values can converge. An example of such convergence is the modeling of the main provisions of the Eurasian concept of human rights. The concept is aiming to expand horizons and balance the two poles of human societies represented in SCO and Western countries, arguing that respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms presupposes the mutual duties and responsibilities in any society or state. The balance of interests of peoples, governments and nations contributes to the realization of both individual and collective rights and freedoms.

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