
We consider the scalar conservation law with flux function discontinuous in the space variable, i.e., \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq1} u_t+(H(x)f(u)+(1-H(x))g(u))_{x} &=& 0 \quad \mbox{in } \R \times \R_{+}, \nonumber \\ u(0, x) &=& u_{0}(x) \quad \mbox{in } \R, \label{0.1} \end{eqnarray} where H is the Heaviside function and f and g are smooth with the assumptions that either f is convex and g is concave or f is concave and g is convex. The existence of a weak solution of (\ref{eq1}) is proved by showing that upwind finite difference schemes of Godunov and Enquist--Osher type converge to a weak solution. Uniqueness follows from a Kruzkhov-type entropy condition. We also provide explicit solutions to the Riemann problem for (\ref{eq1}). At the level of numerics, we give easy-to-implement numerical schemes of Godunov and Enquist--Osher type. The central feature of this paper is the modification of the singular mapping technique (the main analytical tool for these types of equations) which allows us to show that the numerical schemes converge. Equations of type (\ref{eq1}) with the above hypothesis on the flux may occur when considering the following scalar conservation law with discontinuous flux: \begin{equation} \label{eq2} \begin{array}{r@{\;}l} u_t + (k (x) f (u))_x &= 0, \\ u (0, x) &= u_0 (x), \end{array} \end{equation} with f convex and k of indefinite sign.

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