
We consider an embedding of planar maps into an equilateral triangle $\Delta$ which we call the Cardy embedding. The embedding is a discrete approximation of a conformal map based on percolation observables that are used in Smirnov's proof of Cardy's formula. Under the Cardy embedding, the planar map induces a metric and an area measure on $\Delta$ and a boundary measure on $\partial \Delta$. We prove that for uniformly sampled triangulations, the metric and the measures converge jointly in the scaling limit to the Brownian disk conformally embedded into $\Delta$ (i.e., to the $\sqrt{8/3}$-Liouville quantum gravity disk). As part of our proof, we prove scaling limit results for critical site percolation on the uniform triangulations, in a quenched sense. In particular, we establish the scaling limit of the percolation crossing probability for a uniformly sampled triangulation with four boundary marked points.

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