
Studies have shown that the surrogate subgradient method, to optimize non-smooth dual functions within the Lagrangian relaxation framework, can lead to significant computational improvements as compared to the subgradient method. The key idea is to obtain surrogate subgradient directions that form acute angles toward the optimal multipliers without fully minimizing the relaxed problem. The major difficulty of the method is its convergence, since the convergence proof and the practical implementation require the knowledge of the optimal dual value. Adaptive estimations of the optimal dual value may lead to divergence and the loss of the lower bound property for surrogate dual values. The main contribution of this paper is on the development of the surrogate Lagrangian relaxation method and its convergence proof to the optimal multipliers, without the knowledge of the optimal dual value and without fully optimizing the relaxed problem. Moreover, for practical implementations, a stepsizing formula that guarantees convergence without requiring the optimal dual value has been constructively developed. The key idea is to select stepsizes in a way that distances between Lagrange multipliers at consecutive iterations decrease, and as a result, Lagrange multipliers converge to a unique limit. At the same time, stepsizes are kept sufficiently large so that the algorithm does not terminate prematurely. At convergence, the lower-bound property of the surrogate dual is guaranteed. Testing results demonstrate that non-smooth dual functions can be efficiently optimized, and the new method leads to faster convergence as compared to other methods available for optimizing non-smooth dual functions, namely, the simple subgradient method, the subgradient-level method, and the incremental subgradient method.

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