
Convergent inputs from the ipsilateral semicircular canal nerves onto single vestibular nucleus neurons were investigated in decerebrate cats using intracellular recording after selective stimulation of each ampullar nerve. One hundred and seventy-four neurons were activated by stimulating the anterior semicircular (AC) and/or posterior semicircular canal (PC) nerves. These neurons were also antidromically stimulated and classified according to the pattern of their collateral projections to the oculomotor complex and the spinal cord. Four types were found: vestibulo-ocular (VO), vestibulospinal (VS), vestibulo-oculospinal (VOS), and vestibular (V) neurons, the latter of which were not activated by stimulation of either the oculomotor complex or the spinal cord. Of 174 AC- and/or PC-activated vestibular nucleus neurons, 32 (18%) received convergent inputs from both nerves. These convergent neurons included 11 VS, 6 VOS, and 15 V neurons. We found no VO neurons with convergent input. The vast majority (82%) of AC/PC-activated VS and VOS convergent neurons received excitatory inputs from both nerves, 12% received reciprocal inputs (i.e., excitatory from one and inhibitory from the other), and the remaining neurons received inhibitory inputs from both nerves. By stimulating the horizontal semicircular (HC) and/or PC nerves, 183 neurons were activated. Of these, 44 (24%) received convergent inputs from both nerves. These convergent neurons included 19 VS, 5 VOS, 2 VO, and 18 V neurons. Approximately one-half (46%) of HC/PC-activated VS and VOS convergent neurons received excitatory inputs from both nerves and 42% received reciprocal inputs, and the remaining neurons received inhibitory inputs from both nerves. In both nerve pairs, the percentage of VS neurons was higher (AC/PC, 34%; HC/PC, 43%) than that of VOS or VO neurons. Approximately half of these convergent neurons were located in the lateral nucleus. These results suggest that, during mixed angular head accelerations, the vestibulocollic reflex may be partly accomplished by VS and VOS convergent neurons.

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