
Upper and lower bounds are obtained for R(V), the radius of convergence of the Mayer expansion VΣl bl(V)zl expressing the logarithm of the classical grand partition function for a finite volume V as a power series in the fugacity z. The particles in V interact only through two-body forces whose potential φ(r) satisfies s−1 Σi<j≤s φ(xi − xj) ≥ const ≡ −Φ for all s, x1 ⋯ xs. The bounds are [e1+2Φ/kT ∫ |e−φ(r)/kT−1| d3r]−1≤R(V)≤|eΦ/kTl/(l−1) bl(V)|1/(l−1)for any l ≥ 2. For lattice gases the integral becomes a sum. The upper bounds, obtained from the theory of entire functions, include a subsequence converging to R(V) as l → ∞. The lower bound is obtained by using the Kirkwood-Salsburg integral equation to calculate upper bounds on the bl(V)'s and the coefficients in the fugacity expansions of the s-particle distribution functions. For hard-core potentials some of these bounds can be strengthened. For nonnegative potentials, 1/2|b2(V)| is an extra upper bound on R(V). The radius of convergence of the infinite-volume series Σ blzl is shown to be at least limV→∞ R(V), with equality for nonnegative potentials.

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