
AbstractUnder the assumption that sequences of graphs equipped with resistances, associated measures, walks and local times converge in a suitable Gromov-Hausdorff topology, we establish asymptotic bounds on the distribution of the $\varepsilon$ -blanket times of the random walks in the sequence. The precise nature of these bounds ensures convergence of the $\varepsilon$ -blanket times of the random walks if the $\varepsilon$ -blanket time of the limiting diffusion is continuous at $\varepsilon$ with probability 1. This result enables us to prove annealed convergence in various examples of critical random graphs, including critical Galton-Watson trees and the Erdős-Rényi random graph in the critical window. We highlight that proving continuity of the $\varepsilon$ -blanket time of the limiting diffusion relies on the scale invariance of a finite measure that gives rise to realizations of the limiting compact random metric space, and therefore we expect our results to hold for other examples of random graphs with a similar scale invariance property.

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