
An elementary application of Fatou’s lemma gives a strengthened version of the monotone convergence theorem. We call this the convergence from below theorem. We make the case that this result should be better known, and deserves a place in any introductory course on measure and integration. 1 The convergence from below theorem Three famous convergence-related results appear in most introductory courses on measure and integration: the monotone convergence theorem, Fatou’s lemma and the dominated convergence theorem. In teaching this material it is common to follow the approach taken in, for example, [1, Chapter 1]. There Rudin begins by proving the monotone convergence theorem and then deduces Fatou’s lemma. Finally, he deduces the dominated convergence theorem from Fatou’s lemma. The result which we call the convergence from below theorem (Theorem 1.2 below) is essentially distilled from this proof of the dominated convergence theorem ([1, pp. 26-27]). We do not claim originality for this result, or for the related Theorem 1.3. They are presumably known, although we know of no explicit references for them. However, we wish to make a case that that they should be better known than they are. In particular, we suggest that Theorem 1.2 deserves a name and a place in the syllabus when this material is taught. Throughout we discuss results concerning pointwise convergence. In the usual way, there are versions of all these results in terms of almost-everywhere convergence instead. For convenience, we shall use the following terminology. Let X be a set, let (fn) be a sequence of functions from X to [0,∞] and let f be another function from X to [0,∞]. We say that the functions fn converge to f from below on X if the functions fn tend to f pointwise on X and fn(x) ≤ f(x) (n ∈ N, x ∈ X). We say that the functions fn converge to f monotonely from below on X if the functions fn tend to f pointwise on X and, for all x ∈ X, we have f1(x) ≤ f2(x) ≤ f3(x) ≤ · · ·. We begin by recalling the statement of the monotone convergence theorem.

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