
Bibliographic conventions Books Author(s) or editor(s), date, title, edition, collation, place, and publisher; previous edition (if any); reprint (if any); publisher's series (if any), bibliographic notes (if required). The author may be defined as an institution, or other collective body. Irregular serials Author, date, title, edition, collation, serial reference (in parentheses), place, and publisher (if obscure). Authorship convention as above; Roman numeration/letters for series and Arabic numeration for volumes. [A distinct convention has been adopted here as many book-length floras and enumerations are published in various kinds of irregular serials, the handling and cataloguing of which varies among libraries and other book collections.] Periodicals Author, date, title, serial reference, and collation. Authorship convention as above; numeration the same as for irregular serials. [Used for more or less regularly periodic serials, which are always treated as such in libraries.] Symposia, congresses, etc . Author of article, date, title of article, ‘in’, title of whole work, year and place of meeting (if known and applicable), editor(s), collation of article, serial reference (if applicable), place, and publisher. Authorship and numeration conventions as above. Publication As far as possible, only the primary point of publication (assumed to be the first or only city or town given) is indicated, and superfluous portions of the titles of printeries or publishing houses (where relevant) are omitted, including izdatel'stvo (Russian for ‘publishing house’) in Russian (and from 1924–91, Soviet) books consequent to the general adoption, from 1964, of acronyms or cognomina (or where such designations had previously been used).

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