
To assess the prevalence of Pap smear abnormalities and to characterize the associated risk factors in HIV seropositive women. We conducted a cross-sectional study on 252 HIV seropositive women in and around Krishna district, Andhra Pradesh, India by screening them for cervical cytological abnormalities by means of conventional Pap smear screening and the abnormalities reported as per modified Bethesda system. The prevalence of Pap smear abnormalities in HIV seropositive women was found to be 7.17% which was a twofold increased risk as compared to the general population. On analysis of the risk factors like younger age for abnormal pap smears, mean CD4 count, duration of disease, and ART/HAART therapy the difference between the two groups of HIV seropositive women with normal pap smears and seropositive women with abnormal pap smears was found to be not statistically significant. HIV/AIDS is associated with a twofold increased risk for cervical cytological abnormalities, and hence the need for periodic pap smear screening in this high risk group to reduce the global burden of cervical cancer.

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