
Online education is gaining ground since last few decades all over the world including India. But so far it is utilised mainly in various alternative courses or knowledge-enhancing courses beyond regular curriculum which learners could opt as per their convenience and interest using internet access, particularly if the situations in Indian universities are considered. But under COVID-19 pandemic situation, the utility and use of online education is suddenly multiplied and extended and is made inclusive within regular university semester courses also. Undergraduate engineering is one of the very prominent areas to mention. Accordingly, in the present study, the authors tried to show that in the last even semester, how the online education served the basic subjective needs of engineering students so far as their learning is concerned. For that purpose, a students' feedback data based on the online teaching provided is analysed in detail, which are taken from one of the standard engineering colleges of West Bengal. Corresponding results are analysed for end semester examination conducted online and is compared finally with relevant data obtained from evaluation of conventional education for some interesting discussion.

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