
Considering the huge consumption of traditional energy and the rising demand for electricity, the development of renewable energy is very necessary. In this paper, an energy system integrating biomass energy, solar and two-stage organic Rankine cycle (ORC) is proposed, which uses the stable energy output of biomass energy to compensate for the volatility of solar modules. The proposed system comprises a biomass boiler, photovoltaic thermal panels (PV/T), evaporators, condensers, working medium pumps, turbines, a preheater and an air preheater. In addition, conventional and advanced exergy, exergoeconomic and exergoenvironmental (3E) analyses are carried out. Conventional 3E analyses reveal two components that require priority improvement. They are respectively evaporator 1 with the largest exergy destruction (708.2 kW) and exergy destruction environmental impact rate (775.3 mPt/h) and evaporator 2 with the largest exergy destruction cost rate (19.15$/h). The results of advanced 3E analyses show that the largest avoidable endogenous exergy destruction is condenser 1 (136.6 kW), the largest avoidable endogenous exergy destruction cost rate is condenser 2 (3.377$/h), and the largest avoidable endogenous exergy destruction environmental impact rate is condenser 1 (196.1mPt/h). These mean that these components have great potential for improvement in reducing exergy destruction, saving cost and protecting the environment. In addition, the avoidable endogenous exergy destruction/cost/environmental impact rate of evaporator 2 are negative, so evaporator 2 is not suitable as a priority component for improvement, which is contrary to the conclusions of conventional 3E analyses. It is found that conventional 3E analyses can only point out the biggest exergy destruction point, but cannot indicate whether the components with the greatest exergy destruction have the greatest potential for improvement. However, advanced 3E analyses can show the improvement potential of each component by improving its own performance and the external conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct advanced 3E analyses.

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