
The article deals with the problems of guaranteeing the rights of convicts and persons who have served a sentence and have been released from it, taking into account conventional norms. The norms of the UN Convention against Torture and Other Same-Wanted, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984), the Council of Europe Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950), the UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of prisoners (Rules of Nelson Mandela (2015) and other international acts guaranteeing the rights of convicts. The problems of formation of the Russian penitentiary policy in the field of re-socialization of convicts are shown. The ways of improving the norms of the criminal-executive legislation on the main means of correction aimed at the re-socialization of convicts after serving the sentence: educational work, socially useful work, vocational training and social impact are proposed. It is proposed in the penal legislation to provide for the profiling of correctional institutions for certain types of production activities, including on the basis of public-private partnership. The conclusion is made about the need to cooperate production activities in the institutions of the penitentiary system with similar production activities in other organizations in order to further employment of the convicted person in these organizations.

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