
When after the conclusion of a contract, events occur that cause one or both parties to lose interest and usefulness in the benefits of the same, it is what is known in doctrine as the frustration of the end of the contract. The objective of this work was to establish the convenience of the frustration of the end of the contract, in Peru. It was a qualitative, basic and explanatory research, since its main purpose was to discover and verify new theories in law that demonstrate the causal relationships of the investigated categories. The interview technique was used. Then, the collected data was analyzed and interpreted, according to the problem and the objective. It was concluded that according to the evaluation carried out in the theoretical framework of the work and the interview carried out with the specialists in civil patrimonial law, it is convenient to frustration purpose for Peru, in order to avoid injustices between the contracting parties. And for this, it would be convenient to implement this legal figure at the normative level, through the addition of an article in the civil code.

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