
Besides common sense, a number of results suggest that we can learn more about the slow “viscous” flow state by studying the magnetosphere during northward interplanetary field conditions. In particular, statistical studies have consistently identified a “residual” state of magnetospheric and ionospheric convection in northward field conditions. The integrated potential across the high latitudeionosphere does not drop below a certain resting value of about 20 kV even when the interplanetary field has been due north for several hours. There appears to be a similar residual component of geomagnetic activity that is independent of the direction of the interplanetary field (Scurry and Russell, 1991). Its correlation with the dynamic pressure of the solar wind strengthens our suspicion that it is related to viscosity. Will we be able to prove the convection in this residual state is driven by viscosity? Does the flow in northward field conditions resemble the underlying irregular flow state of the plasma sheet found at other times? Does the magnetosphere approach the teardrop configuration during prolonged intervals of northward interplanetary field? These are but a few of the questions that whet our interest in convection during northward field conditions. One does not arrive at the state of pure viscous convection immediately after the interplanetary field swings northward. Dungey (1963) was the first of many to argue that a northward magnetosheath field line will reconnect with an open tail lobe field line to create one that is connected to the ionosphere at one end and draped over the dayside magnetopause at the other. The sudden reconfiguration of stress will lead to sunward convection on the newly reconnected field lines. In the ionosphere, this superposes a “reverse” two-cell convection pattern in the central polar cap upon the two “direct” convection cells. If and when the draped reconnected field line finds a partner in the opposite tail lobe with which to reconnect, a newly closed field line will form. Dungey had imagined that the same magnetosheath field line would reconnect simultaneously with both tail lobes, in which case the rate at which open magnetic flux is closed depends upon the rate of tail-lobe reconnection.

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