
Based on the analysis of a comprehensive examination of patients (clinical, neuropsychological, genetic, neuroimaging) to identify the signs that distinguish/preserve the features of cryptogenic epilepsy (CE) relative to symptomatic and generalized idiopathic epilepsy (SE and IE). 375 patients with various forms of epilepsy were examined: 231 - with SE, 66 - with IE, and 78 - with CE. All patients underwent a generally accepted clinical examination; patients were divided into two clusters: 1 cluster (to identify the distinctive features of the psychoemotional status of patients, to assess the quality of life and compare them with the severity of seizures and other indicators), 2 cluster (to determine the presence of genetic disorders in CI patients and to conduct fMRI in this group). The features of psychoemotional disorders, indicators of quality of life, genetic characteristics that distinguish CE from IE and SE are established. CE is a consequence of a combination of two main risk factors for epilepsy - 1) hereditary and 2) exogenous brain damage, but less pronounced compared to IE and CE.

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