
Shallow 3D seismic data show contrasting depositional patterns in Pleistocene deepwater slopes of offshore East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The northern East Kalimantan slope is dominated by valleys and canyons, while the central slope is dominated by unconfined channel–levee complexes. The Mahakam delta is immediately landward of the central slope and provided large amounts of sediments to the central slope during Pleistocene lowstands of sea level. In the central area, the upper slope contains relatively straight and deep channels. Sinuous channel–levee complexes occur on the middle and lower slope, where channels migrated laterally, then aggraded and avulsed. Younger channel–levee complexes avoided bathymetric highs created by previous channel–levee complexes. Levees decrease in thickness down slope. Relief between channels and levees also decreases down slope. North of the Mahakam delta, siliciclastic sediment supply was limited during the Pleistocene, and the slope is dominated by valleys and canyons. Late Pleistocene rivers and deltas were generally not present on the northern outer shelf. Only one lowstand delta was present on the northern shelf margin during the upper Pleistocene, and sediments from that lowstand delta filled a pre-existing slope valley complex and formed a basin-floor fan. Except for that basin-floor fan, the northern basin floor shows no evidence of sand-rich channels or fans, but contains broad areas with chaotic reflectors interpreted as mass transport complexes. This suggests that slope valleys and canyons formed by slope failures, not by erosion associated with turbidite sands from rivers or deltas. In summary, amount of sediment coming onto the slope determines slope morphology. Large, relatively steady input of sediment from the Pleistocene paleo-Mahakam delta apparently prevented large valleys and canyons from developing on the central slope. In contrast, deep valleys and canyons developed on the northern slope that was relatively “starved” for siliciclastic sediment.

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