
This study examines the Ca isotope (δ44/40Ca) geochemistry of Icelandic rivers with the overall aims of improving the δ44/40Ca tracer, constraining solute sources, and addressing the hypothesis that basalt weathering disproportionately regulates Earth’s long-term climate. We report Ca isotope and elemental data for mainstem rivers, tributary streams, thermal and non-thermal springs, basalt, calcite, soil, vegetation, and sediment collected from the Skagafjörður region in North Iceland. Waters and calcite were further analyzed for their carbon isotope (δ13C) composition, and we conducted experiments to characterize δ44/40Ca values of riverine colloids, the clay-size fraction (<2 µm) of soil, and exchangeable leachates obtained from soil and bedload sediment. The dataset includes analyses of travertine and coexisting water samples collected from a CO2-rich spring (Hvanná river) in South Iceland.Samples show a ∼2‰ range, with groundwater, the ultrafiltered fraction of river water, and hydrothermal calcite producing among the highest δ44/40Ca values and travertine, soil exchangeable Ca, and vegetation the lowest. Riverine δ44/40Ca values are on average ∼0.20‰ higher than those for basalt, which shows minimal isotopic variability. Mainstem glacial-fed rivers entering the Skagafjörður valley from the soil- and vegetation-free highlands have higher δ44/40Ca values than direct-runoff tributaries draining catchments to the north where pedogenesis is more pervasive. Riverine δ44/40Ca values correlate with Sr/Ca and Na/Ca ratios, as well as the saturation index of calcite (SIcal). Riverine δ13C values increase from ∼−8‰ (atmospheric) to ∼−3‰ (calcite) as SIcal values increase from highly-undersaturated to near-equilibrium. One watershed (Svartá river) shows unique trends, where riverine δ44/40Ca values and Sr/Ca ratios do not correlate, and soil exchangeable leachates produced anomalously high amounts of Ca. Clay-size fractions isolated from three horizons composing a brown andosol show slightly lower δ44/40Ca values than bulk basalt, but the values overlap with those for primary minerals. Colloids appear to have lower δ44/40Ca values than truly dissolved Ca. The proxy could be developed as a tracer for colloidal contributions to riverine dissolved loads, especially in soil-mantled catchments where the inputs appear most pronounced. Groundwater δ44/40Ca values correlate with pH, temperature, distance from the coast, and Sr/Ca ratios, all consistent with fractionation control yielding varying degrees of geochemical evolution. The combined riverine patterns largely reflect three-component mixing between basalt weathering, calcite weathering, and hydrothermal water inputs. Subsurface Ca isotope fractionation indirectly impacts riverine δ44/40Ca values by elevating the δ44/40Ca values of groundwater and hydrothermal calcite. This study highlights the significance of hydrothermal water inputs of Ca and HCO3 to Icelandic rivers, which have been previously underappreciated. Mixing calculations suggest that a maximum of ∼20% of the Ca in mainstem rivers derives from surficial basalt weathering. Small tributaries draining the flanks of the valley show the clearest signals of basalt weathering by atmospheric CO2, but these waters have much lower solute concentrations than those employed in previous attempts to estimate basalt weathering rates and parameterize the climate sensitivity of the basalt weathering feedback.

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