
Mineral adsorption-induced molecular fractionation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) affects the composition of both DOM and OM adsorbed and thus stabilized by minerals. However, it remains unclear what mineral properties control the magnitude of DOM fractionation. Using a combined technique approach that leverages the molecular composition identified by ultrahigh resolution 21 T Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry and adsorption isotherms, we catalogue the compositional differences that occur at the molecular level that results in fractionation due to adsorption of Suwannee River fulvic acid on aluminum (Al) and iron (Fe) oxides and a phyllosilicate (allophane) species of contrasting properties. The minerals of high solubility (i.e., amorphous Al oxide, boehmite, and allophane) exhibited much stronger DOM fractionation capabilities than the minerals of low solubility (i.e., gibbsite and Fe oxides). Specifically, the former released Al3+ to solution (0.05-0.35 mM) that formed complexes with OM and likely reduced the surface hydrophobicity of the mineral-OM assemblage, thus increasing the preference for adsorbing polar DOM molecules. The impacts of mineral solubility are exacerbated by the fact that interactions with DOM also enhance metal release from minerals. For sparsely soluble minerals, the mineral surface hydrophobicity, instead of solubility, appeared to be the primary control of their DOM fractionation power. Other chemical properties seemed less directly relevant than surface hydrophobicity and solubility in fractionating DOM.

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