
Abstract Flue-cured tobacco, variety K-326, was transplanted on 10 Apr at the Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Station Bowen Farm. Production practices were used according to Georgia Cooperative Extension Service guidelines and included a preplant tank mixture of Tillam and Devrinol for weed control, Ridomil for blue mold control, and Nemacur for nematode suppression. Fertilizer (6-6-18) was applied in a split application at a rate of 1000 pounds of acre. Plots 2 rows wide (44-inch row spacing) by 20 ft long were arranged in a RCBD with 4 replications. Plots were separated on each side with one fallow border row and on each end with a 6 ft wide alley. Two Orthene attransplant treatments were applied in the transplant water at transplanting. On 30 May, 9 foliar insecticide treatments were applied using a CO2-powered backpack sprayer equipped with three TX-12 nozzles directed over a single row, delivering 24.5 gpa at 40 psi. The number of live aphids on plants 2, 4 and 6 of the second row was recorded from each plot prior to treatment (Pre-t) and 4,7,14 and 21 days after treatment (DAT). Plants 2-11 on the second row were harvested on 21 Jun and cured weights determined by factoring out the moisture content. All data were subjected to analysis of variance and the means were separated using Duncan’s multiple range test (P = 0.05).

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