
Reversible Diels-Alder chemistry was utilized to manipulate the surface energy of glass substrates. Hydrophobic dieneophiles were prepared and attached to glass slides and capillaries to yield a nonwetting surface. Thermal treatment of the surfaces cleaved the Diels-Alder linkage, and resulted in the fabrication of a hydrophilic surface. Preliminary analysis utilized contact angle (CA) measurements to monitor the change in surface energy, and observed a hydrophilic state (CA - 70 +/- 3 degrees) before attachment of the dieneophile to a hydrophobic state (CA - 101 +/- 9 degrees) followed by regeneration of the hydrophilic state (CA - 70 +/- 6 degrees) upon cleavage of the Diels-Alder linkage. The treatments were then applied to glass capillaries, with effective treatment confirmed by fluid column measurements. Patterned treatments were also demonstrated to provide effective flow gating. Finally, attempts to create self-pressurizing capillaries were unsuccessful due to pronounced contact angle hysteresis for the hydrophobic surface treatment.

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