
Putaohua reservoir in south of Daqing Placanticline is rich in oil and gas resources. However, the distribution of oil and gas is so complex and the hydrocarbon accumulation process is still unclear by now. Due to low proven reserves, it is not effective to explore the reserves. By use of the logging interpretation and results of production test and together with analysis of the oil and gas distribution and hydrocarbon accumulation process of Putaohua reservoir in south of Daqing Placanticline, the controlling factors of hydrocarbon accumulation in aspects of oil and gas migration pathway, developmental characteristics of sand, local structure etc are discussed in order to optimize potential blocks. The hydrocarbon of Putaohua reservoir in both flanks in south of Daqing Placanticline is from the local K1qn1 source rock. Hydrocarbon migration mainly depends on vertical movement and is supported by short-distance lateral migration; hydrocarbon accumulation is mainly affected by restrictions of oil source fault and high fault block, so that most of hydrocarbon accumulate in the distributary channel and distal bar of reverse faulting footwall, horst, reverse fault and other high fault blocks where are closely adjacent to the oil source faults.

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