
Frequency-domain controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) surveying is a widely used geophysical electromagnetic exploration method. To avoid the singularity near the transmitting sources and improve the accuracy of three-dimensional (3D) CSEM forward modeling, we adopt the vector finite element method and secondary electric field formulation combined with hexahedral grids to solve the frequency-domain Maxwell equations. Primary field computation applies the fast Hankel transform using digital linear filters to quickly calculate the electromagnetic field generated by different electromagnetic dipoles or loops in the layered medium. Therefore, our forward modeling algorithm is highly versatile and compatible with various electromagnetic sources and scenarios of CSEM application (e.g., airborne, offshore, or marine). To improve the convergence rate, we use an algebraic multigrid solver based on the established Hiptmair–Xu decomposition. Using direct solvers requires a vast amount of memory, while conventional iterative solvers usually fail or converge only very slowly. Our new iterative scheme does not require the divergence corrections commonly applied in finite difference or finite volume electromagnetic modeling to accelerate the convergence. We implement complete parallelism in our finite element programming to efficiently solve the CSEM forward problems on massively parallel clusters. We use different numerical methods to obtain high-precision comparison results for one-dimensional and typical 3D models to demonstrate our algorithm's effectiveness and correctness. Finally, a public model of 3 million cells is used to simulate the responses of marine CSEM surveying. The proposed new solver shows robust scalability when using nearly 1000 cores on the cluster, demonstrating that our algorithm is particularly suitable for large-scale 3D forward modeling.

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