
This is a report on our work during the last few years on extending the Bieri-Neumann-Strebel-Renz theory of “geometric invariants” of groups to a theory of group actions on non-positively curved (= CAT(0)) spaces. With the exception of Theorem 8, which is proved here, and the related material in §5.3, proofs of all our theorems can be found in our papers [BG I ] (controlled connectivity and openness results), [BG II ] (the geometric invariants) and [BG III ] ( SL 2 actions on the hyperbolic plane). An earlier expository paper [BG 98] is also relevant. The geometric invariants we recall the “geometric” or “Σ-” invariants of groups developed during the 1980's by Bieri, Neumann, Strebel and Renz (abbrev. BNSR); see [BNS 87], [BR 88], [Re 88]. We set things out in a way which leads directly to generalizations which were not anticipated in the original literature. Let G be a group of type F n , n ≥ 1. Let X be a contractible G -CW complex which is either (a) free with cocompact n -skeleton, or (b) properly discontinuous and cocompact. Case (a) exists by the definition of F n ; Case (b) is often useful but can only exist when G has finite virtual cohomological dimension. Controlled connectivity Let χ : G → ℝ be a non-zero character, i.e., a homomorphism to the additive group of real numbers. Reinterpret ℝ as the group of translations, Transl, of the Euclidean line, and thus reinterpret χ as an action of G on by translations.

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