
Summary Ten controlled tests were done between 1972 and 1989, in lambs on pasture, evaluating activity of fenbendazole (fbz; 5 mg/kg of body weight), oxfendazole (ofz; 3.5 and 10 mg/kg), oxibendazole (obz; 10 mg/kg), pyrantel pamoate (prt; 25 mg of base/kg), and thiabendazole (tbz; 44 and 50 mg/kg) against natural infections of helminths, with emphasis on 2 strains (A and B) of Haemonchus contortus. Strain A was phenothiazine-susceptible and strain B was phenothiazine-resistant when isolated in 1955. For approximately 10 years prior to these tests, sheep infected with both strains had been treated periodically each year with several compounds, including thiabendazole, which was used many more times than the other drugs. For this study, 4 (fbz, ofz, obz, and prt) of the 5 compounds were evaluated in either 1 or 2 controlled tests. The fifth compound, tbz, was used for 5 tests. Strain A H contortus was resistant to tbz for all years tested, but more susceptible to fbz, ofz, obz, and prt. Overall, strain B was susceptible to tbz (with a few exceptions), and also to fbz, ofz, obz (activity less on immature forms), and prt. Other abomasal parasites (2 species of Ostertagia and 3 of Trichostrongylus) were found in low numbers, but removal overall was good for the compounds tested. Trichostrongylus axei, found in higher numbers than species of Ostertagia and other species of Trichostrongylus, were effectively removed by all compounds in most cases. Activities of tbz and prt were also evaluated against several species of intestinal helminths, most of which were found in low numbers. Cooperia curticei were inconsistently removed by tbz, but activity of prt was effective. Both compounds were active on mature Nematodirus sparger, but tbz had variable activity on immature forms. Strongyloides papillosus were effectively removed by tbz. Other parasites found in lower numbers than the aforementioned 3 species were Capillaria spp, Trichuris spp, and Oesophagostomum columbianum; removal was variable for both drugs.

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