
We present a protocol for controlled cyclic remote preparation of an arbitrary single-qudit state via a seven-qudit cluster state. In the protocol, Alice can help the remote agent Bob prepare an arbitrary single-qudit state, Bob can help the agent Charlie prepare an arbitrary single-qudit state and at the same time Charlie can help Alice prepare an arbitrary single-qudit state under the controller David’s control. Alice, Bob and Charlie first perform positive operator-valued measurement (POVM) on their entangled particles according to the information of the prepared state, then perform generalized X-basis measurement. The controller performs generalized X-basis measurement on his entangled particle. The arbitrary single-qudit states can be cyclic remote prepared under the controller’s control. The protocol is more convenient in application since it only requires single-particle measurement and single-particle unitary operations for controlled cyclic remote preparation of the single-qudit states.

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