
Abstract This paper details the integration of a software drilling optimizer to multiple drilling rig control systems. The drilling optimizer operates via communication of auto-driller setpoints to the rig's control system, continuously adjusting parameters to be optimum to wellbore conditions, and detected drilling dysfunctions. The integration process with each vendor's control system requires planning and work on both sides of the integration to ensure seamless communication of data. Integration performed over the last two years with three different control systems from two vendors was completed using various communication protocols. The authors found that when a centralized process management solution, acting as a data broker between applications and the control system was present, the individual rig deployment configuration and installation effort was minimal. The study showed when performing direct integration to the control system; there is an increase in the configuration and installation effort for each rig deployment. Each rig required specific customization by engineering resources from both the software provider and the rig control system vendor. The development of user interfaces across different platforms creates an additional layer of synchronization to ensure the user experience is consistent. By ensuring consistency in each implementation of the user interface, the authors observed a reduction in training for the field support teams. The project concluded that there is a need to centralize custom and complex user interface elements to improve the usability of the application for the driller. With the use of a centralized process management solution, companies can now minimize user interaction at the control system to avoid duplication of effort in design and engineering. The standardization of hardware to run the drilling optimizer simplified the deployment process and improved business efficiency. The lessons learned from these processes contribute to the overall industry initiatives around data interoperability. These projects have laid the foundation between control system providers and software providers to increase the efficiency of future projects that necessitate data transfer through multiple communication standards.

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