
The aim of this pa per is to de velop, in a de ter min is tic frame work, a model of eco nomic growth that ex plains its de ter mi nants en dog e nously. The pro posed model also de scribes the be hav ior of the dy nam ics of the agent’s con sump tion and cap i tal paths. It is sup posed that the econ omy is pop u lated by iden ti cal and in fi nitely lived in di vid u als that wish to max i mize their util ity for the con sump tion of a sin gle per ish able good. Sev eral sat is fac tion in dexes are re vised. Firms share the same tech nol ogy. In such a tech nol ogy it is as sumed that the mar ginal prod uct of cap i tal re mains con stant through time. In this con text, the con sumer’s de ci sion prob lem is stated as a de ter min is tic op ti mal con trol prob lem in con tin u ous time. Con sumer’s op ti mal de ci sions are ex am ined by us ing MATLAB © subroutines.

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