
Volunteer winter cereals are found sporadically in maize ( Zea mays L.) fields across southern Ontario. Seven field trials were conducted over a two-year period (2006 and 2007) at four locations to determine the efficacy of five acetolactate synthase (ALS)-inhibiting herbicides for the control of volunteer cereals applied at two post-emergence application timings (2–4 and 4–7 maize leaf tips). The volunteer cereals were a hard red winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) (‘Hyland AC Morley’), soft red winter wheat (‘Pioneer 25R47’), soft white winter wheat (‘Pioneer 25W41’), and a autumn rye ( Secale cereale L.) (‘FR’) cultivar. Volunteer cereal competition in maize resulted in a yield reduction of up to 44%. Foramsulfuron, nicosulfuron, nicosulfuron/rimsulfuron provided greater than 70% control of the volunteer cereals at 56 days after treatment (DAT), while primisulfuron and rimsulfuron provided greater than 60% control. Volunteer cereal control with early and late application was greater than 82 and 61%, respectively. Hard red winter wheat was the most sensitive to the ALS-inhibiting herbicides with control of 84–93%. Soft red and soft white winter wheat cultivars were intermediate in sensitivity with control of 76–87%, while autumn rye was the least sensitive with control of at 56–71% control at 56 DAT. Maize yields were improved when volunteer cereals were controlled with the use of herbicides compared to the weedy control, but were lower than the weed-free control. Early herbicide application resulted in improved control of volunteer cereals and higher maize yield.

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