
One of the leading places among leguminous crops in Ukraine belongs to peas. This is due to its ability to produce fairly high and stable crops in a short growing season. Grain contains from 16 to 36% protein, up to 54% carbohydrates, about 1.6% fat, more than 3% ash. Pea protein is a complete amino acid composition and is 1.6 times better absorbed than wheat protein. To a large extent, the limiting factor for increasing the yield of pea seeds are numerous pests. Thus, in the pea field agrobiocenosis, up to 80 species of insects are trophically associated with this crop. However, the greatest damage is caused by specialized species that have evolved to feed on legumes during evolution: nodule weevils belonging to the genus Sitona Gern., Etiella zinckenella Tr., Laspeyresia nigricana F., Bruchus pisorum L. and Contarinia pisi Winn. Modern technologies for growing peas are based on the optimal use of the potential of varieties, a rational plant nutrition system and crop protection systems. An important aspect of integrated crop protection is the use of pesticides, which, if appropriate and effective, guarantee the reduction of harmful organisms. However, when growing certain types of products, their use is limited by sanitary and hygienic standards. These include raw materials for baby food, products used in food in green form, including green peas. This article confirms the feasibility and effectiveness of using modern insecticides based on bioagents and chemicals compared to variants where insecticide treatment has not been carried out. The best results were obtained with the use of chemical-based insecticides, in particular Enzhio 247 SC (0.18 l / ha) provided the highest yield of seeds, 2.92 t / ha, the value of the stored crop was 0.51 t / ha, and the level of profitability was 106.4%, which is 27.7% higher than the control variant . The use of the drug Connect, SC (0.4 l / ha) provided a crop yield of 0.06 t / ha lower, and the value of the stored crop was 0.45 t / ha, with a profitability level of 104.4%. When using insecticides based on microorganisms, the effect was observed, but much weaker.

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