
Abstract The experiment was conducted at the TAMU Agricultural Research and Extension Center at Beaumont and was a non-replicated experimental use permit (EUP) study with 4 treatments. Plot size was 4.77 acres. One d before planting, plots were fertilized by air with 55 lb nitrogen and 40 lb phosphorus/acre. Fertilizer was incorporated with a “do-all” On 23 Mar plots were drill planted (7.5 inches between rows) at 90 lb seed/acre. Soil type was Labelle. Seed was treated with Apron-FI, Vitavax 200 Flowable, Zinc Starter, and Release LC. After planting, plots were “rolled” to help cover seed and to create a firm seedbed. Plots were flush irrigated (temporary flood for 24h then drain) 2 Apr. Rice emerged 11 Apr. Rice was flush irrigated as needed until application of the permanent flood on 5 May (24 d after rice emergence). On 24 Apr, Facet 75DF and Stam 4E at 0.5 lb and 2 qt/acre, respectively, were applied by air. Urea at 60 lb nitrogen/acre was applied by air on 3 May. All diflubenzuron treatments and Furadan 3G were applied by air. Final spray volume for the diflubenzuron treatments was 10 gpa. On 30 May urea was applied by air at 55 lb nitrogen/acre; thus, total nitrogen for the season was 170 lb/acre. All aerial applications were made by M&M Air Service of Beaumont. On each of 26 May and 13 Jun (21 d and 39 d, respectively, after application of the permanent flood), twenty 4 inch diam X 4 inch deep soil cores (each core containing at least 1 rice plant) were removed from each plot. Rice plants in cores were washed and immature RWW recovered from the roots. On 7 Aug, plots were harvested with a John Deere 9400 combine. For yield data, 3 swaths (each swath 400 ft X 12 ft) in each plot were cut and total grain weight recorded. Yields were adjusted to 12% moisture. Insect counts were transformed usingx + 0.5 and analyzed by 1-way ANOVA and LSD.

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