
Abstract Insecticides specific for lepidopterous pest-were compared with a standard, Thiodan, and an untreated check for control of pickleworm. Squash was direct seeded on 1 Apr at the Central Florida Research and Education Center, Leesburg, FL. Each plot consisted of four 25-ft rows, 6 ft apart with plants spaced 2.5 ft apart. Treatments were replicated four times in an RCB design. All chemicals were applied with a 2-row tractor-mounted boom sprayer with 18 Albuz (lilac) ceramic hollow-cone nozzles spaced 8 inches apart, delivering 133 gpa at 200 psi. Latron CS-7, a surfactant, was tank-mixed with Confirm and RH-2485 at a concentration of 0.12% vol:vol. Treatments were applied weekly from 14 May to 11 Jun. Fruits were harvested, separated into marketable and damaged, counted, and weighed three times per week from 12 May to 16 Jun. An analysis of variance and a mean separation test (WD) were used to determine significant differences among treatments.

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