
The efficacy of a formulated product of tea tree oil (TTO) and a standard copper based bactericide in combinations with acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM) for control of bacterial spot of pepper and bacterial speck of tomato was evaluated under controlled conditions. Treatments with copper hydroxide+ASM at both application rates and TTO+ASM showed the best efficacy in control of bacterial spot disease in pepper plants (with respective efficacy values 83.5%, 83.7 % and 86.9%). Similar efficacy was achieved by treatment with copper hydroxide alone (82.2%). On the other hand, the efficacy of TTO, applied alone, was significantly lower at both rates (63.8% and 71.5%) in bacterial spot control in pepper. The same treatments (copper hydroxide +ASM at both application rates and TTO+ASM) were most efficient in suppressing the causal agent of bacterial speck disease in tomato (87%, 82.3% and 81.6%). The efficacy of treatment with the standard bactericide copper hydroxide, applied alone, was significantly lower compared to its combination with ASM (79.1%). Similarly to the bacterial spot experiment, TTO treatments alone showed lower, although satisfactory efficacy at both application rates (66.1% and 68.9%). The results of this study showed that combination of the bioactive compound - ASM with either the standard copper hydroxide bactericide or TTO significantly improved their efficacy in both bacterial spot and speck disease control, and thus implied that combining different biorational compounds, such as essential oils and bioactive products, with standard copper treatments and their inclusion into integrated management programs are of essential importance for the control of bacterial diseases of pepper and tomato.

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