
Abstract Three insecticides were evaluated for control of pecan weevil (PW) on ‘Western’ cultivar of pecans. Trials were conducted at the Pecan Research Station located near Sparks, OK (Lincoln Co.) and were arranged in a RCB design with three single-tree replications. Timing of application was based on monitoring PW emergence from the soil using Tedder’s traps. Insecticides were applied when a threshold of 0.4 weevils/trap/day was captured. Based on this threshold, two applications were made, the first on 11 Sep and the second on 27 Sep. Treatments were applied using a PTO driven, air blast orchard sprayer calibrated to deliver 97 gpa. All chemical treatments were applied with a surfactant, Latron B-1956, at 0.5 pt/100 gal. PW populations did not reach threshold levels after the second application. Damage was evaluated at harvest (November) using random samples of 40 nuts/tree before cleaning. Each nut was cracked by hand and examined for presence of weevils. Percentage infestations were calculated for each tree, then data were analyzed using ANOVA with mean separation by DMRT.

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