
Mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants have been extensively evaluated for nearly 10 years to determine possible regulation by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Under a court order, a determination will be made on whether it is appropriate and necessary to regulate toxic air pollutant emissions (focusing on mercury) from coal-fired utility boilers by December 15, 2000. If it is determined that regulations are necessary, then the regulatory process will have a fixed timetable. A proposed regulation will be due no later than December 15, 2003, and promulgated no later than December 15, 2004. The utility industry regulatory compliance must be in place by December 2007 since the Clean Air Act requires that sources come into compliance with Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) 3 years after promulgation of the regulations. While it is recognized that the main driver for regulation is the potential risk to human health and that this risk is currently being examined by a number of health-based organizations, the actual form of any regulation would likely be dependent upon the availability of cost-effective control technologies. Furthermore, the diverse nature of the coal-fired utility industry will likely limit the applicability and cost-effectiveness of any given technology for the current boiler population. In light of a potential regulatory determination, this paper examines a few control options that warrant further consideration. A preliminary assessment of mercury capture technologies and associated costs is conducted for sorbent injection technology. Sorbent-based technologies that may be amenable for mercury control include: (1) sorbent injection with and without spray cooling upstream of existing particulate control devices (i.e., electrostatic precipitators and fabric filters); and (2) sorbent injection with and without spray cooling associated with additional control devices designed to augment particulate collection in a primary particulate control device. Important design criteria for each of the control systems are critically assessed for operability, maintainability, and reliability, with the projected impacts of the control system on power plant operations being evaluated. The sorbent-based technology discussed in this paper focuses on the injection of activated carbon associated with the various particulate control devices used in the utility industry. The paper also addresses the next steps and revisions needed to accurately assess possible cost impacts to the utility industry as the mercury control options mature in their development.

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