
The regulation of secretion of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) was studied in in vitro-derived mouse bone marrow macrophages (BMM), peritoneal exudate and resident macrophages and in the macrophage-like tumor cell line J774.1. BMM in cultures initiated with low concentrations of bone marrow cells (LC-BMC cultures) secrete more LPL per cell than BMM in cultures initiated with high concentrations of bone marrow cells (HC-BMC cultures). The suppressed state of LPL secretion in HC-BMC cultures could be alleviated by the addition of a colony-stimulating factor source (L-cell-conditioned medium; L-CM) onto the culture medium or exchanging the medium of HC-BMC cultures with medium from LC-BMC cultures for short periods (4 h). Addition of L-CM increased LPL secretion also in LC-BMC cultures. Addition of L-CM to fresh culture medium had little or no effect, suggesting that, in addition to requirement for L-CM, optimal expression depended also on factors released by the growing cells, probably providing optimal growth conditions. L-CM enhanced LPL secretion by thioglycollate-elicited peritoneal macrophages and had no effect on LPL secretion by resident peritoneal macrophages. Secretion of LPL from adherent J774.1 cells showed a biphasic effect. Secretion increased with cell density up to the point when growth inhibition was observed. In dense cultures in which cell proliferation was almost arrested, LPL secretion was remarkably suppressed (80–90%). Change of medium of dense cultures to fresh medium or medium conditioned by sparse cultures (for the last 4 h of culture) led to enhancement of LPL secretion to levels similar to those optimally expressed by sparse cultures. L-CM did not enhance LPL secretion from J774.1 cells. Dense cultures of both BMM and J774.1 cells did not contain a stable inhibitor of LPL secretion and medium from sparse cultures did not contain an inducer of LPL secretion. The data suggest that proliferating macrophages secrete large amounts of LPL, whereas in nonproliferating, quiescent cells, this activity is much reduced. L-CM enhances LPL secretion in quiescent BMM and peritoneal exudate cells to levels expressed by proliferating cells. Since this effect is already expressed after a 4 h incubation period, it is not dependent on cell cycling but could be one of the early responses to this macrophage mitogen. In J774.1 cells, a change of medium is a sufficient signal for enhancement of LPL secretion in quiescent cells.

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