
Benzadox [(benzamidooxy)acetic acid] applied at 1, 2, 3, and 4 lb/A as a postemergence treatment controlled kochia [Kochia scoparia(L.) Schrad.] selectively in sugarbeets (Beta vulgarisL.). Control increased as the rate of benzadox increased, but some kochia survived at the 4-lb/A rate. Competition from these plants reduced the yields of sugarbeet roots and sucrose. Where surviving kochia plants were removed by hand 7 weeks after emergence, all sugarbeets treated with benzadox yielded as well as the hand-weeded checks. In growth chamber studies, the activity of benzadox was increased by temperature and decreased by simulated rain which occurred within 4 hr following application. Under a temperature regime of 70 F day and 40 F night, if simulated rain was delayed for 8 hr, the control of kochia was identical to that obtained where no simulated rain followed treatment. The growth chamber studies confirmed our results with the performance of benzadox under different environmental conditions in the field.

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