
Abstract Sweet corn was planted 5 Jul at the O’Neall Memorial Farm, Lafayette, Indiana. Plots consisted of four rows, 30 ft long, 30 in apart, arranged in a RCB with four replications. Insecticides were applied via a Hahn HiBoy sprayer and propelled by CO2 using 3 hollow cone nozzle tips per row, one over the top and one directed at each side of the ear zone. Sprays were delivered in 11 gal water/acre at 20 psi. Sprays were applied beginning at row tassel on 18, 21, 24, and 28 Aug and 1 and 5 Sept. On 11 Sept, 25 ears per plot were harvested and evaluated for damage and the number of caterpillars present were counted. Ears with damage confined to the terminal inch were considered marketable. Ears with no visible insect feeding were rated as clean. Results are presented as percentage of damaged ears based on 100 ears examined and counts of caterpillar species per 25 ears.

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