
Both sickle cell disease and β-thalassemia are major sources of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Continued production of the β-like γ-globin genes that form fetal hemoglobin after infancy has been shown to ameliorate the severity of these disorders. As a result, there has been considerable interest in understanding the underlying regulation of the physiologic fetal-to-adult hemoglobin switch in humans to be able to better manipulate this process for therapeutic purposes. To date, only a single factor, BCL11A, has been identified as being involved in the developmental regulation of human hemoglobin switching. BCL11A is a direct transcriptional repressor of the γ-globin genes. Moreover, BCL11A is expressed in a developmental stage-specific manner to regulate human hemoglobin switching. However, despite extensive studies, the mechanisms that act upstream to regulate BCL11A expression and thereby control hemoglobin switching have remained elusive. To gain further insights, we have directly explored the developmental regulation of BCL11A expression at various stages of human erythropoiesis. We find that BCL11A is regulated at the level of mRNA translation during development. While BCL11A mRNA is comparably expressed in a similar manner at all developmental stages in erythroid cells, robust protein expression only occurs in adult erythroid cells. Importantly, we demonstrate that at the earlier stages of development, the observed reduction in protein expression is attributable to decreased synthesis and not increased degradation of BCL11A through direct assessment of both protein synthesis and degradation rates in primary erythroid cells from various stages of human development. Interestingly, while BCL11A protein is not well synthesized at these earlier stages of development, we find that its mRNA curiously continues to be associated with ribosomes in a comparable manner between newborn and adult erythroid precursors using polysome fractionation of stage-matched erythroid cells. Through use of an unbiased proteomic analysis approach involving RNA affinity purification of the 18S ribosomal RNA in erythroid cells, we demonstrate that the RNA-binding protein LIN28B, which is developmentally expressed in a reciprocal pattern to BCL11A, directly interacts with ribosomes. We additionally show that the observed suppression of BCL11A protein translation is mediated by LIN28B. Using a newly developed RNA isolation and crosslinking immunoprecipitation approach coupled to massively parallel sequencing we mapped the direct interaction of LIN28B with BCL11A mRNA at nucleotide resolution. Through a number of functional assays in both newborn and adult erythroid cells, we additionally demonstrate that this alteration of BCL11A translation is entirely independent of the role of LIN28B in the biogenesis of let-7 microRNAs. Finally, we show that BCL11A is the major functional target in LIN28B-mediated fetal hemoglobin induction through functional complementation experiments in primary human erythroid cells. Our results reveal a previously unappreciated regulatory mechanism underlying human hemoglobin switching. Moreover, our findings highlight opportunities for developing improved treatments for sickle cell disease and β-thalassemia by understanding the upstream regulation of human hemoglobin switching. DisclosuresNo relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

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