
Two chemosterilants, metepa and apholate, and an insecticide, trichlorfon, were applied in sweetened baits in the pits of all the privies on 3 islands in the West Indies for control of house flies, Musca domestica L. Semiweekly treatments were made, first with granular baits and then with sugar syrup. On Grand Turk,.1% metepa liquid bait usually induced sterility in excess of 80% and reduced fly abundance more than 90% over 18 months. On Mayaguana. 1% liquid apholate bait produced about 60-80% sterility) over 3 months under less favorable conditions and reduced fly abundance 50-80%. On San Salvador, 1% liquid trichlorfon bait reduced fly abundance 50-90%. The flies did not develop resistance to the chemosterilants during 2 years of exposure; instead the fertility of the treated strain apparently declined slightly.

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