
Systematic studies of influence of crucible design on uniformity of growth of bulk III–V crystals by contactless liquid phase electroepitaxy (CLPEE) are reported. CLPEE removes the most important drawback of standard liquid phase electroepitaxy, i.e. limited thickness of crystals being due to superheating of the growing crystals by Joule heat generation. However, the CLPEE method in its simplest version suffers from enhanced growth rate at the center of the crystal, which results from majority of electric current flowing to the center of the electrode and dragging solute species. A number of various designs of growth crucible are examined showing that optimized triple-electrode system is capable to provide perfectly uniform growth rate distribution over a large portion of the surface of the growing crystal. In this way the main obstacle in development of the CLPEE technique is removed allowing application of electroepitaxy to obtain large diameter high crystalline quality single crystals with potentially unlimited thickness.

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