
During the last larval instar, the wing imaginal disks of Precis coenia grow continuously. The rate of disk growth is not disk-autonomous but closely matches the rate of somatic growth of the larva, so that the size of the disks is a function of the size of the body, irrespective of the growth rate of the larva. When larvae are starved, their wing disks cease growth within 4 h, which indicates the existence of an efficient coupling mechanism between the growth of the soma and growth of the imaginal disks. Disk growth is inhibited by juvenile hormone in a dose-dependent manner. In the presence of the hormone the wing disks stop growing even while the larva continues to grow normally. During the last larval instar the wing imaginal disks also undergo a complex differentiation, consisting of the development of the lacunae and tracheation that define the future adult wing venation system. In normally growing larvae, differentiation of the wing disk is tightly correlated with wing size. Differentiation and size can be dissociated by starvation. If larvae are starved at any time after differentiation has begun, differentiation continues at a normal rate, even though the wing disk does not grow. Differentiation does not begin spontaneously in larvae that are starved before differentiation has begun. These findings indicate that the initiation of differentiation and its continuation are controlled independently. Juvenile hormone inhibits differentiation in a dose-dependent manner. Upon treatment with juvenile hormone, the stage of differentiation becomes fixed. These findings indicate that continued differentiation of the wing disk can only occur in the absence of juvenile hormone. Although the circulating level of juvenile hormone may be elevated during starvation, it is unlikely that this elevation is responsible for the observed effect of starvation on growth and differentiation of the disk.

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