
It has been established that the activity of HMG-CoA ∗ ∗ Abbreviations used are as follows: HMG, 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaric acid; MVA, mevalonic acid; NSF, nonsaponifiable fraction. reduction to MVA in animal is controlled by bile acids which are presumed to be the end products in cholesterol metabolism ( Fimognari and Rodwell, 1965). Similar results were reported with Mycobacterium and Pseudomonas ( Fimognari and Rodwell, 1965a). However, these organisms are known not to produce any sterol. With yeast which produces ergosterol, nothing has been reported about the control of ergosterol synthesis and about the further metabolism of ergosterol. This paper reports that the activity of HMG-CoA reduction in ergosterol synthesis of yeast undergoes a feed-back inhibition by acidic lipids which are formed from ergosterol.

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