
The possibility of optimal thermal management of a number of temperature-dependent and heat-loaded elements of radio electronic equipment with calculated power dissipation is considered. Studies have been carried out in a uniform temperature field using a set of thermoelectric cooling devices and defined geometry of thermocouple branches. The correlation for determining the relative operating current depending on the relative temperature drop for a given supply voltage, thermal load and geometry of thermoelements branches has been obtained; the range of valid values of the relative operating current has been determined. Acomparative analysis of the basic parameters, reliability indices and dynamic characteristics of a group of thermoelectric devices included in the complex for different supply voltages and heat loads has been made. The possibility of selecting supply voltages of thermoelectric devices complex with regard to limiting factors for mass-size, power, dynamic and reliability characteristics to ensure the optimum thermal mode of a number of thermo-dependent elements of radio electronic equipment has been shown. With increasing supply voltage of thermoelectric devices complex with mixed electrical connection in uniform temperature field at given thermal load and geometry of thermoelements branches the following results are achieved. Steady-state time increases, the number of thermoelements increases, the cooling coefficient decreases, the amount of consumed energy increases, the heat dissipation capacity of the heat sink increases, and the functional dependence of the probability of failure-free operation on the total supply voltage has a maximum.

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