
Abstract Although cardiac output is measured as the flow of blood from the left ventricle into the aorta, the system that controls cardiac output includes many other components besides the heart itself. The heart’s rate of output cannot exceed the rate of venous return to it, and therefore, the factors governing venous return are primarily responsible for control of output from the heart. Venous return is affected by its pressure gradient and resistance to flow throughout the vascular system. The pressure gradient for venous return is a function of several factors including the blood volume flowing through the system, the unstressed vascular volume of the circulatory system, its capacitance, mean systemic pressure, and right atrial pressure. Resistance to venous return is the sum of total vascular resistance from the aortic valve to the right atrium. The sympathetic nervous system and vasoactive circulating hormones affect short-term resistance, whereas local tissue blood flow autoregulatory mechanisms ar...

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