
An invitro study was conducted to findout the suitable and effective fungicides and antibiotics to control the leaf blight of rice caused by Xanthomonas oryzae. Twelve fungicides and nineteen antibiotics with 50, 100, 200, 400. 500 and 1000 concentrations were sprayed three times at 15 day interval, in the rice variety Karuna. The seedlings were sprayed 24 hours of chemical spray with heavy suspension of bacteria. Among the fungi- cides mercuric chloride was, superior in its inhibion of bacterial growth followed by duter, kocide and wet ceresan. Similarly the antibiotic tetracycline-Het was found to record highest inhibition zone followed by terramycin. ledermycin erythromycin and chlor- amphenic. The porculture experiments with similar treatments have shown that ery thromycin was highly effective followed chloramphenicol, terramycin tetracycline-Hcl. edermycin celdion (T.F. 130) and duter. Regarding fungicides, all the chemical used were effective in reducing the leafblight disease intensity and increase the yield.

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