
Avian coccidiosis has great economic impacts on poultry enterprise. Coccidiosis is caused byEimeria species mostly affecting epithelium of the bird’s intestines causing enteric problems. Prominentclinical outcomes are bloody diarrhoea, poor FCR, weight gain and growth rate with high morbidity andmortality rate. For the control of coccidiosis various strategies have been adapted including chemicalagents and feed additives. But due to their repeated use, drug resistance to Eimeria species emerged thusbadly affecting their efficacy. Moreover, these chemical agents have adverse effects on bird’s health andmeat quality. Therefore, alternatives are used nowadays including natural and herbal products having thedesired efficacy without harmful effects. Natural products and their anticoccidial activity have beenreviewed in this study. This group comprises herbal extracts, fatty acids, fungal extracts, probiotics andimmune response immunomodulators with proven anticoccidial activity. Additionally, poultry industryand economic cost of coccidiosis as well as classical strategies used in the control of avian coccidiosis arealso reviewed.

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