
Abstract Transplants were set 2 Sep, 12 inches apart on 8-inch-high beds of EauGallie fine sand covered with white polyethylene mulch. Each plot consisted of a single row with rows on 5 ft centers. Treatments were replicated 4 times in a randomized complete blocks design and were applied with a 2.5 gal, hand-held CO2-powered sprayer on 28 Sep, 8, 15, 21, 28 Oct, 4, 11, 18 and 25 Nov. The sprayer was fitted with a single nozzle with a D-5 disk and #45 core and delivered 60 gpa at 60 psi. On 19 Oct and 9 Nov, the numbers of beet and southern armyworm larvae were counted on each plant. The data were combined over the sampling dates. On 10 Nov, the five plants in each plot most severely damaged by the broad mite were rated 1-4 for increasing damage. Fruit were harvested on 25 Nov, 9 and 16 Dec and the number and weight of undamaged fruit and the number and weight of fruit damaged by noctuid larvae were determined. Fruit with slight feeding damage only on the stem or calyx were considered marketable. Fruit with either slight or severe damage on the fruit wall were considered unmarketable.

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